Thursday, December 12, 2013

Passport: check!

Well my passport application is all packed up and ready to go! I have been extra, extra busy between school, work and my internship this semester, but finals are over in a week! Finally.

I'm very excited for the Christmas break. I'll be working twice as much, and my plan is to make up some goodies to sell so I can (hopefully) raise a little extra money for this trip. I'll book my plane ticket when I get my passport back, and that will be my last outside-expense to take care of before concentrating fully on paying my remaining balance down.

I leave May 31, but payment has to be in 60 days prior! Time to hustle!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hello friends and family!

As some of you now know, I have decided to dedicate a portion of my 2014 summer volunteering abroad. I will be utilizing this blog to track my progress as I earn money, get my passport in order, book airplane tickets and generally just get excited in the next seven months leading to my adventure. Once there, I will continue to post pictures and experiences here for all to see.

As of 9/8/13, the deposit has been paid and my dates & destination are locked. I will be staying at the Cross Cultural Solutions 'home base' in Guatemala City, Guatemala from May 31 through June 21. This trip will allow me to spend some time abroad and see the world from a different point of view than what I have been accustomed to. Sure, the tourist-oriented side of Guatemala will be around me, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to try to squeeze in some sight-seeing, but the part that excites me is the opportunity to help those less fortunate than I.

I have my guides in one hand and a checklist in the other! I'm very excited to begin the process of volunteer placement, as well as participate in my "training" calls over the next few months. More posts soon to come!